You can create a macro like the one shown here.
Example of Creating a Macro for Space Usage Reporting
The following macro shows space used.
CREATE MACRO superspace as ( SELECT databasename, SUM(maxperm), SUM(currentperm) FROM DBC.DiskSpaceV GROUP BY databasename ORDER BY databasename WITH SUM(maxperm), sum(currentperm); );
When executed, the macro returns the following results.
execute superspace;
*** Query completed. 28 rows found. 3 columns returned. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. DatabaseName Sum(MaxPerm) Sum(CurrentPerm) --------------------- -------------- ------------------ macro All 0 0 cliuser 10,000,000 7,168 CONSOLE 100,000 0 Crashdumps 1,024,000,000 0 Custo 5,120,000,000 100,082,688 CUSTOMER_SERVICE 10,000,000 5,632 dash 20,000,000 9,216 DBC 24,316,695,812 89,080,832 Default 0 0 Test_User 20,000,000 4,096 explainsample 1,000,000 12,288 EXTUSER 0 0 mkt_bsktTest 1,280,000,000 1,108,992 PDTBASE 10,000,000 33,792 PUBLIC 0 0 qttest 500,000,000 10,240 SQLJ 600,000,000 0 SysAdmin 40,000,000 1,693,696 SYSLIB 10,000,000 12,288 SYSSPATIAL 110,000,000 2,931,712 SystemFe 60,000,000 207,872 SYSUDTLIB 100,000,000 0 Sys_Calendar 15,000,000 2,654,208 TDPUSER 0 0 testdb 800,000 133,120 testuser 20,000,000 9,216 udtuser 10,000,000 0 ------------------- ------------------ Sum(MaxPerm) 33,277,595,812 197,997,056