The DBC.TableSizeV view provides AMP information about disk space usage at the table level. Optionally use viewnameVX for information on only those tables that the requesting user owns or has SELECT privileges on.
To find… | Use the following query… |
the table distribution | SELECT tablename (TITLE 'Table') ,currentperm (TITLE 'CurPerm') ,vproc (TITLE 'Amp') FROM DBC.tablesizeV WHERE databasename='xxx' AND tablename = 'xxxx' ORDER BY 2 DESC; |
disk space for a given table | SELECT SUM(currentperm) FROM DBC.tablesizeV WHERE databasename='xxx' AND tablename = 'xxxx'; |
If you submit a SELECT statement against DBC.TableSizeV and notice it takes a long time to process, replace the view definition by submitting the following query:
REPLACE VIEW DBC.TableSizeV AS SELECT DataBaseSpace.Vproc, Dbase.DatabaseName (NAMED DatabaseName), Dbase.AccountName, TVM.TVMName (NAMED TableName), DataBaseSpace.CurrentPermSpace(NAMED CurrentPerm, FORMAT '---,---,---,---,--9'), DataBaseSpace.PeakPermSpace(NAMED PeakPerm, FORMAT '---,---,---,---,--9') FROM DBC.Dbase, DBC.DataBaseSpace, DBC.TVM WHERE DataBaseSpace.TableID <> '000000000000'XB AND DataBaseSpace.TableID = TVM.tvmid AND TVM.DatabaseId = Dbase.DatabaseId WITH CHECK OPTION;
This improved definition helps the Optimizer choose a better plan to process SELECT requests. (For more information, see Knowledge Article SD1000B999E.)
You may also want to look at the individual tables within the database to see if any are skewed.