To activate the RCVmanager, go to the Database Window and type “start rcvmanager”. Then issue the “list rollback tables” command. It will show you each table that is being rolled back at that point in time, how many TJ rows have been rolled back and how many rows are remaining.
If you run this command twice, you can then make an estimate how long it will take the rollback to complete, based on the rows processed and rows remaining and the time between the two snapshots.
list rollback tables;
TABLES BEING ROLLED BACK AT 10:01:26 04/09/20 ONLINE USER ROLLBACK TABLE LIST Host Session User ID Workload Definition AMP W/Count ---- ------- --------- ------------------------------- 1 234324 0000:0001 24 TJ Rows Left TJ Rows Done Time Est. ------------- ------------- --------- 53638 1814 00:09:51 Table ID Name --------- -------------------------- 0000:16A6 "FINANCE_T"."Order_Header" SYSTEM RECOVERY ROLLBACK TABLE LIST Host Session TJ Row Count ---- -------- ------------- Table ID Name --------- ------------- ---- Enter command, "QUIT;" or "HELP;" : list rollback tables; TABLES BEING ROLLED BACK AT 10:01:37 04/09/20 ONLINE USER ROLLBACK TABLE LIST Host Session User ID Workload Definition AMP W/Count ---- -------- --------- ------------------- ----------- 1 234324 0000:0001 24 TJ Rows Left TJ Rows Done Time Est. ------------- ------------- --------- 52663 2789 00:09:45 Table ID Name --------- --------------------------- 0000:16A6 "FINANCE_T"."Order_Header" SYSTEM RECOVERY ROLLBACK TABLE LIST Host Session TJ Row Count ---- -------- ------------- Table ID Name --------- ------------------ Enter command, "QUIT;" or "HELP;" :