create rules for a user and specify LIMIT SUMMARY=5,10,15 and during the next session, and every query takes longer than 5 seconds but less than 10 seconds to complete |
all queries fall into the second bucket (5 to 10 seconds), so the second group is the only query count logged for the session in DBQLSummaryTbl. |
create rules for a user and specify LIMIT SUMMARY = 5,10,15 and during the next session, every query completes in less than 5 seconds |
all queries fall into the first bucket (up to 5 seconds), so the first group is the only query count logged for the session in DBQLSummaryTbl. |
create rules and specify LIMIT SUMMARY=1,15,10 |
the statement is accepted (no checking is performed on SUMMARY input values) but the results are unpredictable. |
create rules for UserA and specify SQL, OBJECTS LIMIT THRESHOLD (without a time value), and UserA then processes four queries, where:- One query takes more than 5 seconds to complete
- Three queries complete in less than 5 seconds
the statement is accepted and the default value of 5 seconds is assigned. For the next session of UserA:- The longer query is logged in DBQLSqlTbl, DBQLObjTbl, and DBQLogTbl, with values in all valid fields of the rows.
- For each of the three shorter queries:
create a rule and specify LIMIT THRESHOLD=100000 |
An error is returned; THRESHOLD must be less than 32K. |