The following is an example of creating an external C language UDF.
SQL Definition
The following code in my_yyyymmdd_to_date2.sql creates the UDF.
---- UDF Build DDL/SQL-- REPLACE FUNCTION my_yyyymmdd_to_date2 ( InputDate VARCHAR(8) CHARACTER SET LATIN ) RETURNS DATE LANGUAGE C SPECIFIC my_yyyymmdd_to_date2 NO SQL DETERMINISTIC PARAMETER STYLE SQL CALLED ON NULL INPUT EXTERNAL NAME 'CS!my_yyyymmdd_to_date2!./my_yyyymmdd_to_date2.c' ;
C Function Definition
The following user-defined function, my_yyyymmdd_to_date2.c, validates whether the argument character string in YYYYMMDD format is a valid date. It returns either a date or returns a NULL if the string is not a valid date.
/* my_yyyymmdd_to_date2.c Teradata User Defined Function (UDF) Calling ------- my_yyyymmdd_to_date2(date_str); SELECT my_yyyymmdd_to_date2('20130423') AS ValidDate; Parameters ---------- date_str Character string containing date to be validated UDF Compilation --------------- REPLACE FUNCTION my_yyyymmdd_to_date2 ( InputDate VARCHAR(8) ) RETURNS DATE LANGUAGE C NO SQL DETERMINISTIC PARAMETER STYLE SQL EXTERNAL NAME 'CS!my_yyyymmdd_to_date2!./my_yyyymmdd_to_date2.c' ; */ /* Must define SQL_TEXT before including "sqltypes_td "*/ #define SQL_TEXT Latin_Text #include "sqltypes_td.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #define IsNull -1 #define IsNotNull 0 #define NoSqlError "00000" #define YYYYMMDD_LENGTH 8 #define ERR_RC 99 void my_yyyymmdd_to_date2 ( VARCHAR_LATIN *InputDateString ,DATE *result ,int *inputDateStringIsNull ,int *resultIsNull ,char sqlstate[6] ,SQL_TEXT extname[129] ,SQL_TEXT specificname[129] ,SQL_TEXT error_message[257] ) { char input_integer[30]; int year_yyyy; int month_mm; int day_dd; char day_char[3]; char month_char[3]; char year_char[5]; int in_len,i; /* Return Nulls on Null Input */ if ((*inputDateStringIsNull == IsNull)) { strcpy(sqlstate, "22018") ; strcpy((char *) error_message, "Null value not allowed.") ; *resultIsNull = IsNull; return; } in_len = strlen(InputDateString); if ( in_len != YYYYMMDD_LENGTH ) { *result = ( 1 * 10000 ) + ( 12 * 100) + 1; *resultIsNull = IsNull; strcpy((char *) sqlstate, "01H01"); strcpy((char *) error_message, "InputDateString is of wrong length, must be in YYYYMMDD format"); return; } if ( in_len != YYYYMMDD_LENGTH ) { *result = ( 1 * 10000 ) + ( 12 * 100) + 2; return; } strcpy(input_integer , (char *) InputDateString); for (i = 0; i<in_len; i++) { if (input_integer[i] < '0' || input_integer[i] > '9') { *result = ( 1 * 10000 ) + ( 1 * 100) + 3; return; } else { input_integer[i] = tolower(input_integer[i]); } } sprintf(year_char,"%c%c%c%c",input_integer[0],input_integer[1],input_integer[2], input_integer[3]); sprintf(month_char,"%c%c",input_integer[4],input_integer[5]); sprintf(day_char,"%c%c",input_integer[6],input_integer[7]); year_yyyy = atoi(year_char); month_mm = atoi(month_char); day_dd = atoi(day_char); /* Format output_date in internal Teradata format ((YEAR - 1900) * 10000 ) + (MONTH * 100) + DAY */ *result = (( year_yyyy - 1900 ) * 10000 ) + ( month_mm * 100) + day_dd; }
BTEQ Script To Call the User-defined Function
This BTEQ script calls the user-defined function and tests it by selecting from the my_yyyymmdd_to_date2.sql table:
.logon TDSystem/MyUserId,MyPass
.REMARK 'Building External UDF';
DATABASE Test_Database;
.RUN FILE=./my_yyyymmdd_to_date2.sql
.REMARK 'Testing External UDF';
SELECT Test_Database.my_yyyymmdd_to_date2('20130422') AS ValidDate;
SELECT Test_Database.my_yyyymmdd_to_date2('201304') AS ValidDate;
SELECT Test_Database.my_yyyymmdd_to_date2(NULL) AS ValidDate;
.REMARK 'Finished testing External UDF';
Linux Command To Call the BTEQ Script
The following Linux commands call the BTEQ script:
bteq bld_xudfs.btq 2>&1 | tee bld_xudfs.btq.i1.out