Basic Teradata Query Utility (BTEQ) is a general-purpose, command-based application that allows users to do the following:
- Perform administrative tasks, including creation of database objects such as databases, tables, and views, using SQL DCL, DDL, and DML requests.
- Format reports for both print and screen output.
You can automate the creation of tables, views, and other database objects using BTEQ scripts.
The following example procedure uses a BTEQ script to create a sample table:
- Create a text file named Create_Emp_Table.sql with the following contents:
.LOGON tdpid/UserName,Password CREATE SET TABLE Tables_Database.Employee, (Associate_Id INTEGER, Associate_Name CHAR(25), Salary DECIMAL(8,2), DOB DATE, Job_Title VARCHAR(25), Dept_No SMALLINT, Marital_Status CHAR, No_Of_Dependents BYTEINT) UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX (Associate_Id); .quit
- tdpid
- The name by which the system is known to the network.
- UserName
- The name used to log on to Teradata, such as DBADMIN.
- Password
- The password associated with UserName.
- Create a batch file named Create_Emp.bat with the following contents:
bteq < Create_Emp_Table.sql > Create_Emp_Table.log 2>&1
This example redirects the error messages to Create_Emp_Table.log to be printed along with the output messages.
- Place Create_Emp.bat and Create_Emp_Table.sql in the same folder.
- Execute Create_Emp.bat to create the Employee table in the database, Tables_Database.
Create_Emp.bat invokes BTEQ using Create_Emp_Table.sql as the input file. BTEQ executes the commands and statements in the Create_Emp_Table.sql file and writes its output and any errors to the Create_Emp_Table.log file.