- TargetColumns
- [Required]: Specify the input table columns for dimensionality reduction.
- NumComponents
- [Required]: Specify the target dimension (number of features) on which the data points from the original dimension are projected.
- Seed
- [Optional]: Specify the random seed the algorithm uses for repeatable results. The algorithm uses the seed to generate a random projection matrix. The seed must be a non-negative integer value.
- Epsilon
- [Optional]: Specify a value to control distortion introduced while projecting the data to a lower dimension. The amount of distortion increases if you increase the value.
Default Value: 0.1
Allowed Values: Between 0 and 1
- ProjectionMethod
- [Optional]: Specify the method name for generating the random projection matrix.
- Density
- [Optional]: Specify the approximate ratio of non-zero elements in the random projection matrix when SPARSE is used as the projection method.
Default Value: 0.33333333
Allowed Values: 0 < Density <= 1
- OutputFeatureNamesPrefix
- [Optional]: Specify the prefix for the output column names.