TD_RandomProjectionMinComponents Input Table
Each of the input data points in the following input table consists of 963 columns and a unique identifier of the data point:
company_id date_2010_01_04 date_2010_01_05 .... date_2013_10_28 date_2013_10_29 1 0.58 -0.220005 0.840019 -19.589981 2 -0.640002 -0.65 -0.400002 0.66 3 -2.350006 1.260009 .... -1.760009 3.740021 4 0.109997 0 0.040001 0.540001 5 0.459999 1.77 .... 1.130005 0.309998 6 0.45 0.460001 -0.06 -0.11 7 0.18 0.220001 .... 0.330002 1.150001 8 0.73 0.369999 0.090001 -0.110001 9 0.899997 0.700001 .... -0.220001 0.159996 10 0.36 0.909996 1.070003 1.050003
TD_RandomProjectionMinComponents SQL Call
SELECT * FROM TD_RandomProjectionMinComponents( ON stock_movement as InputTable USING TargetColumns('[1:]') Epsilon(0.25) ) as dt;
randomprojection_mincomponents ------------------------------ 353