- AttributeAliasList
- Specifies alternate name for the values in the AttributeName column.The number of attribute aliases must match with number of target columns.
- AttributeColName
- Specifies the output column name for the AttributeName column.
- ValueColName
- Specifies the output column name for the AttributeValue column.
- Accumulate
- Specifies the name of the input columns to copy to the output table.
- IncludeNulls
- Specifies whether or not to include nulls in the transformation.
- InputTypes
- If you specify 'true', instead of one column for all attribute values, the output table includes multiple columns. The attribute values appears in the column corresponding to the compatible data type of the value in the input table.
- OutputVarchar
- Specify ‘true' if you want to output the AttributeValue column in VARCHAR format irrespective of its data type.
- IndexedAttribute
- Specify 'true’ if you want the column indexes instead of column names in the AttributeName column.
- IncludeDataTypes
- Specify 'true’ to output the original data type name.