Your independent variable is insect spray type, and you have data on spray type A, B, C, D, E, and F. You can use one-way analysis to determine whether there is any difference among these spray types based on their means.
TD_ANOVA Input: Insect_sprays
groupA groupB groupC groupD groupE groupF ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 17 1 5 6 9 10 17 2 5 1 13 10 11 0 3 3 11 12 14 1 3 6 16 13 13 4 4 4 13 14 11 2 6 5 22 14 16 3 4 3 15 14 7 1 2 6 24 17 19 3 5 3 26 20 21 0 5 2 26 20 21 7 12 3 15 23 17 1 5 1 10
SELECT * from TD_ANOVA ( ON insect_sprays as InputTable USING ALPHA (0.05) ) AS dt;
TD_ANOVA Output Table
sum_of_squares(between groups) sum_of_squares(within groups) df(between groups) df(within groups) mean_square(between groups) mean_square(within groups) f_statistic alpha critical_f p_value conclusion ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------------------ ----------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- ----------- ------ ----------- -------- ---------- 2656.902778000 1019.083333000 5 66 531.380556000 15.440657000 34.414376000 0.050000000 2.353809000 0.000000000 Reject Null hypothesis