Output Table Schema
Column | Data Type | Description |
chi_square | DOUBLE PRECISION | Chi-squared statistic. |
cramers_v | DOUBLE PRECISION | Cramer's V statistic. |
df | INTEGER | Degrees of freedom. |
alpha | DOUBLE PRECISION | alpha (see Optional Syntax Elements for TD_ChiSq). |
p_value | DOUBLE PRECISION | Probability associated with chi-squared statistic. |
criticalvalue | DOUBLE PRECISION | Critical value calculated using Alpha for test. |
conclusion | VARCHAR | Chi-squared test result, either 'reject null hypothesis' or 'fail to reject null hypothesis'. |
Table of Expected Values
The function outputs this table only if you include the OUT clause in the function call. The OUT clause specifies its name.
This table contains the expected frequencies calculated under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true.
This table has the same schema as the CONTINGENCY table that contains the observed frequencies, except that all columns but the first have the data type DOUBLE PRECISION.