Important: In Analytics Database Release and later, the AS InputTable alias is mandatory. If your scripts does not use an alias, use AS InputTable alias for the input table.
ON { table | view | (query) } AS InputTable PARTITION BY ANY
[ OUT TABLE MetaInformationTable (meta_table) ]
InputColumns ({'input_column'|input_column_range }[,…])
[ ModelType ('Classification' | 'Regression') ]
[ BatchSize (batchsize) ]
[ MaxIterNum (max_iter) ]
[ Epsilon (epsilon) ]
[ RegularizationLambda (lambda) ]
[ Alpha (alpha) ]
[ IterNumNoChange (n_iter_no_change) ]
[ Tolerance (tolerance) ]
[ Intercept ('true'|'t'|'yes'|'y'|'1'|'false'|'f'|'no'|'n'|'0') ]
[ ClassWeights ('class:weight,...') ]
[ LearningRate ('constant'|'optimal'|'invtime'|'adaptive') ]
[ InitialEta (eta0) ]
[ DecayRate (gamma) ]
[ DecaySteps (decay_steps) ]
[ Momentum (momentum) ]
[ Nesterov ('true'|'t'|'yes'|'y'|'1'|'false'|'f'|'no'|'n'|'0') ]
[ LocalSGDIterations(local_iterations) ]
You can call this function from:
- The FROM clause of a SELECT statement
- As part of a CREATE TABLE statement
- As part of a CREATE VIEW statement