- Mode
- Specify the pattern-matching mode:
Option Description OVERLAPPING Find every occurrence of pattern in partition, regardless of whether it is part of a previously found match. One row can match multiple symbols in a given matched pattern. NONOVERLAPPING Start next pattern search at row that follows last pattern match. - Pattern
- Specify the pattern for which the function searches. You compose pattern with the symbols (which you define in the Symbols syntax element), operators, and parentheses.
- Symbols
- Defines the symbols that appear in the values of the Pattern and Result syntax elements. The col_expr is an expression whose value is a column name, symbol is any valid identifier, and symbol_predicate is a SQL predicate (often a column name).
- Filter
- [Optional] Specify filters to impose on the matched rows. The function combines the filter expressions using the AND operator.
- Result
- Defines the output columns. The col_expr is an expression whose value is a column name; it specifies the values to retrieve from the matched rows. The function applies aggregate_function to these values. For details, see nPath Results.