TD_NaiveBayesTextClassifierPredict ( ON { table | view | (query) } AS PredictorValues PARTITION BY doc_id_column [,...] ON { table | view | (query) } AS Model DIMENSION USING InputTokenColumn ('input_token_column') [ ModelType ({ 'Multinomial' | 'Bernoulli' }) ] DocIDColumns ({ 'doc_id_column' | 'doc_id_column_range' }[,...]) [ ModelTokenColumn ('model_token_column') ModelCategoryColumn ('model_category_column') ModelProbColumn ('model_probability_column') ] [ TopK ({ num_of_top_k_predictions | 'num_of_top_k_predictions' }) | Responses ('response' [,...]) ] [ OutputProb ({'true'|'t'|'yes'|'y'|'1'|'false'|'f'|'no'|'n'|'0'}) ] [ Accumulate ({ 'accumulate_column' | accumulate_column_range }[,...]) ] )
You can call this function from:
- The FROM clause of a SELECT statement
- As part of a CREATE TABLE statement
- As part of a CREATE VIEW statement