TD_SentimentExtractor ( ON { table | view | (query) } AS InputTable PARTITION BY ANY [ ON { table | view | (query) } AS CustomDictionaryTable DIMENSION ] [ ON { table | view | (query) } AS AdditionalDictionaryTable DIMENSION ] [ OUT PERMANENT TABLE OutputDictionaryTable (output_table_name) ] USING TextColumn ('text_column') [ Accumulate ({ 'accumulate_column' | accumulate_column_range }[,...]) ] [ AnalysisType ({ 'DOCUMENT' | 'SENTENCE' }) ] [ Priority ({ 'NONE' | 'NEGATIVE_RECALL' | 'NEGATIVE_PRECISION' | 'POSITIVE_RECALL' | 'POSITIVE_PRECISION'}) ] [ OutputType ({ 'ALL' | 'POS' | 'NEG' | 'NEU' }) ] )
You can call this function from:
- The FROM clause of a SELECT statement
- As part of a CREATE TABLE statement
- As part of a CREATE VIEW statement