Basic Teradata Query (BTEQ) software is a general-purpose, command-based program that enables users on a workstation or mainframe to communicate with one or more Vantage systems and to format reports for both print and screen output.
Using BTEQ, you can submit SQL queries to the database. BTEQ formats the results and returns them to the screen, file, or printer.
In a BTEQ session, you can do the following:
- Establish one or more database sessions to submit single- and multistatement SQL requests using either Teradata Mode or ANSI standard transaction semantics.
- Use Teradata SQL statements to view, add, modify, and delete data.
- Use formatting commands to produce Field Mode based columnar reports.
- Specify operating system commands.
- Create database objects, such as user-defined functions and stored procedures, that require transfer of source files.
- Submit interactive and scripted input instructions.
- Invoke BTEQ as a subprocess by languages such as Java and Python.