TD_CUMUL_PERIODOGRAM Output - Teradata Vantage

Database Unbounded Array Framework Time Series Functions

Teradata Vantage
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update

The TD_CUMUL_PERIODOGRAM function creates a two-layered ART. The primary (ARTPRIMARY) layer contains the Bartlett test statistics and p-value, significant level and test results. The secondary (ARTCPDATA) layer contains the cumulative periodogram at each periodicity, related intermediate calculation result and confidence band result at each periodicity to plot the cumulative periodograms. The contents of this layer can be used to plot the cumulative periodogram.

RETURNS TABLE Schema for Primary Result Set

Name Data Type Description
derived-series-identifier Varies The resultant series identifier inherited from the SERIES_ID.
ROW_I BIGINT The index for the result series.
Bartlett_TEST_STATS FLOAT The maximum deviation of the normalized cumulative periodogram and straight line y = 2x.
P_VALUE FLOAT The p-value of the test.
SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL FLOAT The significance level for the test. Choices are 0.05 (95%) or 0.01 (99%).
TEST_RESULT VARCHAR(125) The result of the test. A calculated p-value less than SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL means that the associated periodicity is significant. The TEST_RESULT string is Significant Periodicity Present. A calculated p-value greater than SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL means that the associated periodicity is not significant. The TEST_RESULT is No Periodicity Evident.

RETURNS TABLE Schema for Secondary Result Set

Name Data Type Description
derived-series-identifier Varies The resultant series identifier inherited from the SERIES_ID.
ROW_I BIGINT The index for the result series.
INDEX_K INTEGER Index indicating the periodicity.
NUM_SAMPLES INTEGER The number of sample points used to fit the model.
SIGNIFICANCE_LEVEL FLOAT The significance level for this test. Choices are limited to either 0.05 (which is 95%) or 0.01 (which is 99%).
GAMMAK_SQUARE FLOAT The calculated γk2 value for a given INDEX_K.
ALPHA_K FLOAT The calculated alpha k value for a given index k.
BETA_K FLOAT The calculated beta k value for a given index k.
G_K FLOAT The calculated g_k value for a given index k.
MIDDLE_SIGNIF_LINE FLOAT The Middle Significance Line, which is a line drawn from (0,0) to (n/2,1) where n/2 is the maximum k value.
UPPER_SIGNIF_BAND FLOAT A line which is parallel to the middle significance line, but sits at an equal distance of + { λ / ((n/2)1/2 )} away from it. It is the upper line of the confidence band.
LOWER_SIGNIF_BAND FLOAT A line which is parallel to the middle significance line, but sits at an equal distance of - { λ / ((n/2)1/2 )} away from it. It is the lower line of the confidence band.