TD_CONVERTTABLEFORUAF converts an input table consisting of valid data types to an Unbounded Array Framework (UAF) table. This function is a SQL-MR table operator. Table operators reference input tables using ON-clauses, and pass in parameters using a USING-clause, also called a custom-clause. This function supports up to three USING parameters CONTENT, TABLETYPE and ID.
UAF functions require input data in specific formats. For example, some functions require input data as a matrix where each row represents a fixed-length window of historical data, and each column represents different variables or features. Other functions require input data as a series where each element represents a single observation at a specific point in time. TD_CONVERTTABLEFORUAF converts table data into a format that can be used by other UAF functions.
- REAL: Real numbers, but positive and negative
- COMPLEX: Complex numbers with real and imaginary components
- AMPLPHASE: Complex number in polar coordinates, where the amplitude (magnitude) and phase are stored separately
- MULTIVARREAL: Vector or array of real numbers
- MULTIVARCOMPLEX: Vector or array of complex numbers
- MULTIVARAMPLPHASE: vector or array of complex numbers in polar coordinates.
- ADHOC: Data that is generated dynamically or data that does not conform to a pre-defined schema