- The series passed to the function.
- The matrix passed to the function.
- All parameters are optional unless otherwise indicated in the descriptions. See https://matplotlib.org/ for COLOR, COLORMAP, MARKER, and line options.
Name Description TITLE The title of the chart or plot. LAYOUT The layout of the chart or plot. If LAYOUT is specified, then the generated chart is composed of multiple plots. The two integers specified are rows and columns. PLOTS [Dependencies: Required if plot is composite.] An array of plot entries separated by commas. This parameter allows multiple plots to be specified. ID (under PLOTS) The series specification used for the plot. The value is the nth of the specification. The value starts from 1. If not specified, it is 1. This parameter is used with PLOTS. CELL [Dependencies: Required if plot is composite.] The position of the plot. The two integers specified are row and column position. SPAN The number of rows and columns to span in the grid. If it is not specified, the value is (1, 1). TYPE The type of plot. The following chart options are available: - Line chart: 'line'
- Scatter chart: 'scatter'
- Correlated chart: 'corr'
- Bar chart: 'bar'
- Mesh chart: 'mesh'
- Seismic wiggle chart: 'wiggle'
- Geometric chart: 'geometry'
SERIES The data series for a plot. It contains an array of series entries, separated by commas. ID (under SERIES) A data series identifier in an ID_SEQUENCE array within a series-specification. The value starts from 1. If not specified, then it is 1. This parameter is used with SERIES. NAME (under SERIES) The series name when a legend is displayed. If not specified, then it is generated using the SERIES_ID values. This parameter is used with SERIES. FORMAT (under SERIES) The format for the plot. COLOR (under SERIES) The colors for the plot. LINESTYLE (under SERIES) The line style for the plot. The default is -. LINEWIDTH (under SERIES) The width of the lines in the plot.The value range is [0.5, 10]. The default is 1.5. MARKER (under SERIES) The type of marker for the plot. MARKERSIZE (under SERIES) The size of the markers in the plot. The default is 6 points. XLABEL The x-axis label. If not specified, then the first row-axis name is used. It is variable length string enclosed in apostrophes containing formatting characters that define the display format for the data type.
YLABEL The y-axis label. If not specified, then the first column name is used. It is variable length string enclosed in apostrophes containing formatting characters that define the display format for the data type.
XFORMAT The format of the x-axis tick value. If the row-axis is SEQUENCE, then it is for a numeric value. If the row-axis is TIMECODE, then the format is for DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP values. YFORMAT The format of the y-axis tick value. The format is for a numeric value. XRANGE The range for the x-axis for line and scatter plots. YRANGE The range for the y-axis for line and scatter plots. FLIPX An indicator to reverse the x-axis. A value of 1 indicates to reverse the x-axis. FLIPY An indicator to reverse the y-axis. A value of 1 indicates to reverse the y-axis. LEGEND The legend specification. If not specified, then the legend is not generated. The following options are available: - 'upper right'
- 'upper left'
- 'lower right'
- 'lower left'
- 'right'
- 'center left'
- 'center right'
- 'lower center'
- 'upper center'
- 'center'
- 'best'
The 'best' option is the same as 'upper right'.
GRID Grid overlay on the chart. If not specified, then the grid is not generated. FORMAT (under GRID) The format for the grid. COLOR (under GRID) The colors for the grid.The default is #b0b0b0 (gray). LINESTYLE (under GRID) The line style for the grid. The default is -. LINEWIDTH (under GRID) The width of the lines for the grid.The value range is [0.5, 10]. The default is 0.8. IMAGE The type of the output image. It can be SVG, JPG, or PNG. The default is PNG. DPI The DPI (dots per inch) of the output image. WIDTH The width of the image. The value range is [400,4096]. The default is 640. The total size of the image must not exceed 4,000,000 pixels. HEIGHT The height of the image. The value range is [400,4096]. The default is 480. The total size of the image must not exceed 4,000,000 pixels. COLORMAP Mesh or geometry plot settings. This parameter is ignored for other plots. Use the suffix _r to reverse the color map. Parameter is case-sensitve. NAME (under COLORMAP) The name of the color map to be used with mesh plot. The default is viridis. This parameter is used with COLORMAP. COLORBAR (under COLORMAP) Indicator to draw the color bar. A value of 1 indicates to draw the color bar. RANGE (under COLORMAP) The range of the color map. By default, it is the range of the data. WIGGLE (under COLORMAP) Seismic wiggle plot settings. They are ignored if the plot is not a seismic wiggle plot. FILL Indicator to draw lines. A value of 0 indicates to draw only lines. A value of 1 indicates to draw the positive halves. SCALE The size of the wiggle. By default, twice the RMS (root-mean-square) of the payload data is used to determine the range of the wiggle. SCALE value is multiplied with this range to change the size of wiggle. - INPUT_FMT
- No INPUT_FMT options are available for this function.
- No OUTPUT_FMT options are available for this function.