Example: PolygonSplit - Analytics Database - Teradata Vantage

Geospatial Data Types

Analytics Database
Teradata Vantage
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™
CREATE TABLE feature_tbl(poly_id INTEGER, geom ST_Geometry);

INSERT INTO feature_tbl VALUES(100, new ST_Geometry('POLYGON ((50 
50,50 60,50 70,50 80,50 90,50 100,50 110,50 120,50 130,50 140,50 
150,50 160,50 170,50 180,50 190,50 200,50 210,50 220,50 230,50 240,50 
250,50 260,50 270,50 280,50 290,50 300,50 310,50 320,50 330,50 340,50 
350,50 360,50 370,50 380,50 390,50 400,50 410,50 420,50 430,50 440,50 
450,50 460,50 470,50 480,50 490,50 500,50 510,50 520,50 530,50 540,50 
550,50 560,50 570,50 580,50 590,50 600,50 610,50 620,50 630,50 640,50 
650,50 660,60 670,50 680,50 690,50 700,50 710,50 720,50 730,50 740,50 
750,50 760,50 770,50 780,50 790,50 800,50 810,50 820,50 830,50 840,50 
850,50 860,50 870,50 880,50 890,50 900,50 910,50 920,50 930,50 940,50 
950,50 960,50 970,50 980,50 990,50 1000,50 1010,50 1020,50 1030,50 
1040,50 1050,50 1060,50 1070,50 1080,50 1090,50 1100,50 1110,50 
1120,50 1130,50 1140,50 1150,50 1160,50 1170,50 1180,50 1190,50 
1200,60 1200,70 1200,80 1200,90 1200,100 1200,110 1200,120 1200,130 
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1200,630 1200,640 1200,650 1200,660 1200,670 1200,680 1200,690 
1200,700 1200,710 1200,720 1200,730 1200,740 1200,750 1200,760 
1200,770 1200,780 1200,790 1200,800 1200,810 1200,820 1200,830 
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1080,1200 1070,1200 1060,1200 1050,1200 1040,1200 1030,1200 1020,1200 
1010,1200 1000,1200 990,1200 980,1200 970,1200 960,1200 950,1200 
940,1200 930,1200 920,1200 910,1200 900,1200 890,1200 880,1200 
870,1200 860,1200 850,1200 840,1200 830,1200 820,1200 810,1200 
800,1200 790,1200 780,1200 770,1200 760,1200 750,1200 740,1200 
730,1200 720,1200 710,1200 700,1200 690,1200 680,1200 670,1200 
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50,1080 50,1070 50,1060 50,1050 50,1040 50,1030 50,1020 50,1010 
50,1000 50,990 50,980 50,970 50,960 50,950 50,940 50,930 50,920 
50,910 50,900 50,890 50,880 50,870 50,860 50,850 50,840 50,830 
50,820 50,810 50,800 50,790 50,780 50,770 50,760 50,750 50,740 
50,730 50,720 50,710 50,700 50,690 50,680 50,670 50,660 50,650 
50,640 50,630 50,620 50,610 50,600 50,590 50,580 50,570 50,560 
50,550 50,540 50,530 50,520 50,510 50,500 50,490 50,480 50,470 
50,460 50,450 50,440 50,430 50,420 50,410 50,400 50,390 50,380 
50,370 50,360 50,350 50,340 50,330 50,320 50,310 50,300 50,290 
50,280 50,270 50,260 50,250 50,240 50,230 50,220 50,210 50,200 
50,190 50,180 50,170 50,160 50,150 50,140 50,130 50,120 50,110 
50,100 50,90 50,80 50,70 50,60 50,50 50))'));

SELECT SplitTable.poly_id, SplitTable.sub_poly_id, SplitTable.splitGeom
FROM PolygonSplit
     SELECT poly_id, geom, cast(400 AS INTEGER) 
     FROM feature_tbl 
     WHERE poly_id=100
AS SplitTable(poly_id, sub_poly_id, splitGeom) 
ORDER BY 1,2,3;

The following output shows that the polygon with an id of 100 was split into four pieces. The actual vertex values that define each polygon are not shown, and are instead replaced with "…"

   poly_id  sub_poly_id  splitGeom
   -------  -----------  ---------------
       100            0  POLYGON ((...))
       100            1  POLYGON ((...))
       100            2  POLYGON ((...))
       100            3  POLYGON ((...))