Some methods are specific to the subtype that the ST_Geometry type represents. For example, some methods only operate on ST_Geometry types that represent ST_Point values.
Other methods test the spatial relationship between geospatial types. Consider the following tables, where sample_cities represents a list of cities and sample_streets represents a list of streets.
CREATE TABLE sample_cities( skey INTEGER, cityName VARCHAR(40), cityShape ST_GEOMETRY); CREATE TABLE sample_streets( skey INTEGER, streetName VARCHAR(40), streetShape ST_GEOMETRY);
The following requests insert polygon values into the sample_cities table and linestring values into the sample_streets table:
INSERT INTO sample_cities VALUES(0, 'Oceanville', 'POLYGON((1 1, 1 3, 6 3, 6 0, 1 1))'); INSERT INTO sample_cities VALUES(1, 'Seaside', 'POLYGON((10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))'); INSERT INTO sample_streets VALUES(1, 'Main Street', 'LINESTRING(2 2, 3 2, 4 1)'); INSERT INTO sample_streets VALUES(1, 'Coast Blvd', 'LINESTRING(12 12, 18 17)');
The following query uses the ST_Within method to test if any of the streets are within any of the cities:
SELECT streetName, cityName FROM sample_cities, sample_streets WHERE streetShape.ST_Within(cityShape) = 1 ORDER BY cityName;
streetName cityName ---------------------------------------- ---------------- Coast Blvd Seaside Main Street Oceanville