[SYSSPATIAL.] AddGeometryColumn ( catalog_name schema_name table_name geom_column_name srid geom_type UxMin_v UyMin_v UxMax_v UyMax_v )
Syntax Elements
- catalog_name
- The name of the catalog.
The value can be an empty string ('') for Teradata.
- schema_name
- The name of the database in which the table specified by table_name is defined.
- table_name
- The name of the table that has a column defined as an ST_Geometry type.
- geom_column_name
- The name of the column in the table specified by table_name that is defined as an ST_Geometry type.
- srid
- The spatial reference system identifier used for the coordinate geometry in the table_name table.
- geom_type
- The geometry type that column specified by geom_column_name represents.
Valid values include:
- 'ST_Geometry'
- 'ST_Point'
- 'ST_LineString'
- 'ST_Polygon'
- 'ST_GeometryCollection'
- 'ST_MultiPoint'
- 'ST_MultiLineString'
- 'ST_MultiPolygon'
- 'GeoSequence'
- UxMin_v
- The lower left X coordinate of the MBR of the universe for all values in the new ST_Geometry column.
- UyMin_v
- The lower left Y coordinate of the MBR of the universe for all values in the new ST_Geometry column.
- UxMax_v
- The upper right X coordinate of the MBR of the universe for all values in the new ST_Geometry column.
- UyMax_v
- The upper right Y coordinate of the MBR of the universe for all values in the new ST_Geometry column.