Geospatial NUSIs can be used by the Teradata Optimizer to speed access to geospatial data for queries that use single-table predicates and join predicates. For more information on Geospatial Indexes, see Geospatial Indexes.
The following geospatial methods can be used to form predicates:
- MBR_Filter
- ST_3DDistance Method
- ST_Contains Method
- ST_Crosses Method
- ST_Distance Method
- ST_Equals Method
- ST_Intersects Method
- ST_Overlaps Method
- ST_Touches Method
- ST_Within Method
- Within_MBB
- Intersects_MBB
- ST_Relate Method (if this predicate is configured to execute one of the geospatial methods listed previous)
Predicates that use the ST_Distance and ST_3DDistance methods have a slightly different form than those that use the other listed methods.