[TD_SYSFNLIB.] GeometryToRows ( ON { [ database_name. ] table_name | ( query_expression ) } [ USING ErrOnUnsupportedGeometry ('value') ] ) [AS] correlation_name [ ( column_list ) ]
Syntax Elements
- database_name
- table_name
- A table that contains the ST_Geometry types, the component points of which are returned as individual rows in the table returned by the table operator. The table must be defined to have two or three columns, as described for the query_expression subquery: one or two ID columns and an ST_Geometry type column.
- query_expression
SELECT id1, [ id1, ] id1 FROM [ database_name. ] table_name
- value
- The table that contains the geometry type column for which the aggregation is to be computed.
- value
- Whether errors are reported for unsupported geometries that are passed to the table function. value can be either Yes or No. The default is No. The value must be delimited by apostrophe (single-quote) characters.
When value is No, or this argument is omitted, unsupported geometries are ignored.
- correlation_name
- A name to be assigned to the table returned by the table operator.
- id1
- A numeric or character type column that uniquely identifies each geometry object in the table passed to the operator. id1 can be any valid Teradata numeric or character data type except CLOB. If id1 is NULL for a particular input geometry object, the rows returned by the table operator for this geometry object show corresponding NULLs in their out_geom_id1 column.
- id2
- A numeric or character type column that, combined with id1, uniquely identifies each geometry object in the table passed to the operator. id2 can be any valid Teradata numeric or character data type except CLOB. If id2 is NULL for a particular input geometry object, the rows returned by the table operator for this geometry object show corresponding NULLs in their out_geom_id2 column.
If an id2 column is not passed to the table operator, an out_geom_id2 column is not returned.
- ageometry
- An ST_Geometry type column that contains geometry objects. For each component point of each object, the table operator returns a separate row that uniquely identifies the object, the geometric type, and the x, y, and z coordinates that locate the point in space.
- correlation_name
- name to be assigned to the table returned by the table operator.
- column_list
- Optional list of custom names for the columns returned by the table operator. These names override the column names that would be otherwise generated by the operator. If you specify any column names, you must provide names for all columns returned. If more than one column is returned by the operator, separate the names with commas.