Revokes one or more explicit privileges on a database, user, table, view, procedure, UDF, function mapping, or macro from a role, group of roles, user, or group of users or removes the GRANT option from explicit privileges.
REVOKE takes effect immediately when revoked users issue their next request.
For information about revoking the NONTEMPORAL privilege, see Teradata Vantageā¢ - Temporal Table Support, B035-1182.
ANSI Compliance
This statement is ANSI SQL:2011 compliant, but includes non-ANSI Teradata extensions.
Required Privileges
To revoke a privilege, you must first have the privileges to grant it. You must either own the database object, or someone must first grant the privilege, either automatically or explicitly, to you, either directly or by means of a role, using WITH GRANT OPTION.
If the object is a view or macro, the submitting user also must have the applicable privileges, WITH GRANT OPTION, on the objects referenced by the view or macro.