You can format HELP reports using the formatting commands available for the API from which you make a HELP request.
Unless otherwise noted for a specific HELP statement type, report fields follow a standard format consistent with the field data type. For example, UDT Name VARCHAR(61) fields are formatted as X(61).
For example, this BTEQ input returns session information in the format demonstrated by the following report.
Teradata BTEQ for LINUX.
Copyright 1984-2012, Teradata Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Enter your logon or BTEQ command:
.logon dbc
.logon dbc
*** Help information returned. One row.
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
*** Warning: Report has more than 100 column(s).
Only the first 100 column(s) will be displayed.
User Name DBC
Account Name DBC
Logon Date 13/01/31
Logon Time 02:12:56
Current DataBase DBC
Collation ASCII
Character Set ASCII
Transaction Semantics Teradata
Current DateForm IntegerDate
Session Time Zone 00:00
Default Character Type LATIN
Export Latin 1
Export Unicode 1
Export Unicode Adjust 0
Export KanjiSJIS 1
Export Graphic 0
Default Date Format YYYY/MM/DD
Radix Separator .
Group Separator ,
Grouping Rule 3
Currency Radix Separator .
Currency Group Separator ,
Currency Grouping Rule 3
Currency Name US Dollars
Currency $
ISOCurrency USD
Dual Currency Name US Dollars
Dual Currency $
Dual ISOCurrency USD
Default ByteInt format -(3)9
Default Integer format -(10)9
Default SmallInt format -(5)9
Default Numeric format --(I).9(F)
Default Real format -9.99999999999999E-999
Default Time format HH:MI:SS.S(F)Z
Default Timestamp format YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(F)Z
Current Role
Logon Account DBC
Audit Trail Id DBC
Current Isolation Level SR
Default BigInt format -(19)9
Proxy User
Proxy Role
Constraint1Name ?
Constraint1Value ?
Constraint2Name ?
Constraint2Value ?
Constraint3Name ?
Constraint3Value ?
Constraint4Name ?
Constraint4Value ?
Constraint5Name ?
Constraint5Value ?
Constraint6Name ?
Constraint6Value ?
Constraint7Name ?
Constraint7Value ?
Constraint8Name ?
Constraint8Value ?
Export Width Rule Set 1112211111222232222211121111112222322222
Default Number format FN9
TTGranularity LogicalRow
Redrive Participation None
User Dictionary Name DBC
User SQL Name DBC
User UEscape ?
Account Dictionary Name DBC
Account SQL Name DBC
Account UEscape ?
Current Database Dictionary Name DBC
Current Database SQL Name DBC
Current Database UEscape ?
Current Role Dictionary Name ?
Current Role SQL Name ?
Current Role UEscape ?
Logon Account Dictionary Name DBC
Logon Account SQL Name DBC
Logon Account UEscape ?
Profile Dictionary Name ?
Profile SQL Name ?
Profile UEscape ?
Audit Trail Id Dictionary Name DBC
Audit Trail Id SQL Name DBC
Audit Trail Id UEscape ?
Proxy User Dictionary Name ?
Proxy User SQL Name ?
Proxy User UEscape ?
Proxy Role Dictionary Name ?
Proxy Role SQL Name ?
Proxy Role UEscape ?
Constraint1Name Dictionary Name ?
Constraint1Name SQL Name ?
Constraint1Name UEscape ?
Constraint2Name Dictionary Name ?
Constraint2Name SQL Name ?