- Insertions are made into the following tables of the specified Query Capture Database:
- Query or QryRelX
- Workload
- WorkloadQueries
- Field
- Capture verbose EXPLAIN text.
- Capture summary statistics details for all of the database objects referenced in the query plan for the request, in addition to capturing Optimizer statistics usage and recommendation information. When you specify DETAILED, the request captures the following statistics details for all the database objects referenced in the query plan:
- StatTimeStamp
- Version
- OrigVersion
- NumColumns
- NumBValues
- NumEHIntervals
- NumHistoryRecords
- NumNulls
- NumAllNulls
- NumAMPs
- NumPNullDistinctVals
- PNullHighModeFreq
- AvgAmpRPV
- HighModeFreq
- NumDistinctVals
- NumRows
- CPUUsage
- IOUsage
- Capture Optimizer statistics usage and recommendation information.
- qcd_name
- The name of the QCD database to be used to capture and store the query plan data.
- workload_name
- The name of the workload to which the requests submitted within a BEGIN QUERY CAPTURE session belong.