You can specify these options for a condition handler.
- Type of condition handler being requested.
- See Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics, B035-1184 and Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Stored Procedures and Embedded SQL, B035-1148 for details.
- Keyword introducing an sqlstate value for which the exception or completion condition is to be handled.
- You can specify any number of sqlstate values prefixed by SQLSTATE or SQLSTATE VALUE in a comma-separated list within each handler declaration.
- Optional keyword prefixing the sqlstate value.
- sqlstate_code
- Five-character string value that indicates a completion condition for the SQL statement. This is always delimited by APOSTROPHE characters.
- A given sqlstate value cannot be a part of more than one DECLARE HANDLER statements and cannot be repeated within a FOR clause.
- A keyword identifier for generic conditions.
- You can specify these individually or in combination with one another, but you cannot specify any of them more than once within a given DECLARE HANDLER statement.
- SQLEXCEPTION indicates a generic exception condition.
- SQLWARNING indicates a generic completion condition.
- NOT FOUND indicates a generic completion condition when no data is found.
- condition_name
- condition_name is a name that can be used to specify conditions for a handler to act on when the procedure definition specifies the condition name in a SIGNAL or RESIGNAL statement.
- handler_action_statement
- A single or compound statement that performs the handler action.
- A single statement can be any one of the following:
- Any standard SQL statement, including dynamic SQL, supported by SQL procedures.
- Any SQL control statement.
- The following are not valid as a single statement for handler_action_statement:
- Local variables
- Cursors
- Handler declarations