Creates or replaces transform groups for importing UDT data from a client system to a Vantage and exporting UDT data from a Vantage to a client system. You can use CREATE TRANSFORM to add transform groups in addition to the existing transform groups. REPLACE TRANSFORM drops all of the existing transform groups and adds the transform groups you specify.
ANSI Compliance
CREATE TRANSFORM is ANSI SQL:2011-compliant.
REPLACE TRANSFORM is a Teradata extension to the ANSI SQL-2011 standard.
Required Privileges
You must have at least one of the following privileges on the SYSUDTLIB database to perform CREATE TRANSFORM or REPLACE TRANSFORM:
If any of the external routines you specify is a UDF, then you must also have the EXECUTE FUNCTION privilege on the UDF, and the UDF must be contained within the SYSUDTLIB database.