Example: Partition Analysis on All Tables
The following example considers partitioning expression recommendations for all tables in a workload; therefore, no ON clause specified:
INITIATE PARTITION ANALYSIS FOR myworkload IN myqcd AS myppirecs;
Now you can examine the recommended partitioning expressions from this partition analysis using the following SELECT request:
SELECT tablename, expressiontext FROM qcd.partitionrecommendations WHERE resultnametag = 'myppirecs';
Example: Partition Analysis on Specified Tables
The following example considers partitioning expression recommendations for specific tables within a workload; therefore, an ON clause is specified:
INITIATE PARTITION ANALYSIS ON tab1, tab2 FOR myworkload IN myqcd AS myppitabrecs;
Example: Partition Analysis with a Time Limit
The following example places a 5 minute time limit on the partitioning expression analysis:
INITIATE PARTITION ANALYSIS FOR myworkload IN myqcd AS myfastanalysis TIME LIMIT = 5;