FROM source_spec [,...]
Syntax Elements
- source_spec
{ table_name [ [AS] correlation_name ] | join | derived_table_spec | table_function | table_operator }
- table_name
- Name of a base table, queue table, global temporary table, volatile table, derived table, or view. If the database is omitted, the system infers it from context.
- correlation_name
- Optional alias for the table that is referenced by table_name.
- join
joined_table { [ INNER | { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL } [ OUTER ] ] JOIN joined_table ON search_condition | CROSS JOIN single_table }
- derived_table_spec
- See Derived Tables.
- table_function
- See TABLE Option.
- table_operator
- See Table Operator.
- joined_table
- Name of a joined table, which can be either a single table name with optional alias name, or a joined table, indicating nested joins.
- Join in which qualifying rows from one table are combined with qualifying rows from another table according to some join condition.
- Join in which qualifying rows from one table that do not have matches in the other table, are included in the join result along with the matching rows from the inner join. The rows from the first table are extended with nulls.
- Outer join with the table that was listed first in the FROM clause.
- Outer join with the table that was listed second in the FROM clause.
- Rows are returned from both tables
- search_condition
- One or more conditional expressions, including scalar subqueries, that must be satisfied by the result rows.
- Unconstrained, or Cartesian, join. Returns all rows from all tables specified in the FROM clause. Two joined tables can be cross joined.
- single_table
- Name of a single base or derived table or view on a single table to be cross joined with joined_table.