Vantage manages transactions to maintain valid, consistent, and available data for all users. A transaction may consist of one or more requests which are sent one at time and processed as each is received. Locks are applied as needed for each request. Various locks are placed on its associated database objects according to the types of statements contained in the request.
If a statement does not complete successfully or causes processing to time out for some reason, such as a statement error, deadlock, privilege violation, table constraint violation, or premature logoff, the system performs the following transaction management steps.
- The entire transaction is aborted. Abort processing performs the following actions.
- Performs an implicit END TRANSACTION.
- Backs out any changes made to the database by the transaction.
- Releases any usage locks associated with the transaction.
- Discards any partially accumulated results (spools) generated by the transaction.
- A failure or time-out response is returned to the requestor.
Most statement errors resulting from multistatement INSERT statements abort the entire transaction.
Statement independence is a method of handling multistatement INSERT errors by only rolling back the individual statements that failed, not the entire transaction. See Multistatement and Iterated INSERT Requests.