Interactive Form
CHECKPOINT table_name [, NAMED checkpoint_name ] [;]
Syntax Elements
- table_name
- The journal table that is to be marked with the checkpoint entry.
- checkpoint_name
- A label that can be used to reference the checkpoint entry in database recovery activities.
- checkpoint_name should be unique.
- If checkpoint_name duplicates an existing entry in the journal, then you can qualify it with the system-assigned event number.
- If you do not specify checkpoint_name, then the checkpoint entry must be referenced in recovery activities by its event number.
Embedded SQL and Stored Procedure Form
CHECKPOINT [ database_name. ] table_name
[, NAMED { checkpoint_label | :label_host_variable } ]
INTO [:] host_variable_name
[ [ INDICATOR ] :host_indicator_variable_name ]
Syntax Elements
- database_name
- Name of the database for which a checkpoint flag is to be created. The PERIOD character after the name is required.
- table_name
- Name of the table for which a checkpoint flag is to be created.
- checkpoint_label
- An SQL identifier that labels the checkpoint.
- label_host_variable
- Host variable that contains a label for the checkpoint.
- The colon is required.
- host_variable_name
- Name of a host variable to contain the checkpoint flag.
- The preceding colon is optional.
- host_indicator_variable_name
- Name of an optional host indicator variable to receive nulls.