[ with_isolated_loading ]
[ [AS] correlation_name ]
SET set_spec [,...]
WHERE condition ELSE { INSERT | INS } [INTO] table_name_2
{ [ VALUES ] ( expression [,...] ) |
( column_name [,...] ) [ VALUES ] ( expression [,...] ) |
} [;]
Syntax Elements
- with_isolated_loading
- table_name_1
- Name of the table or queue table in which the row set is to be updated, or the name of the view through which the base table is accessed. The table must have a primary index and can be row-partitioned but cannot be column partitioned.
- This must match the specification for table_name_2.
- correlation_name
- An alias for table_name_1.
- set_spec
column_name [.mutator_method_name] = expression
- condition
- The predicate that specifies the row to be updated:
- If the UPDATE target is a SET table with a UPI, then only one row can be updated per request.
- If the UPDATE target is a SET table with a NUPI or a MULTISET table, then multiple rows can be updated per request.
- table_name_2
- Name of the table or queue table in which the row set is to be inserted, or the name of the view through which the base table is accessed.
- This name must match the name specified for table_name_1.
- expression
- The non-default set of values to be inserted into table_name_2.
- You must specify values or nulls for each column defined for the table named table_name_2 or the insert fails.
- column_name
- Column set into which the values specified by expression are to be inserted.
- A row consisting of default values is to be added to table_name.
- If any column does not have a defined DEFAULT phrase, then the process inserts a null for that column.
- Without NO, the UPDATE can be performed as a concurrent load isolated operation.
- With NO, the UPDATE is not performed as a concurrent load isolated operation.
- Optional keyword that you can include for readability.
- column_name = expression
- Value expression to be updated in column column_name. This can be a DEFAULT function.
- Host variables in the SET clause must always be preceded by a COLON character.
- You cannot specify a derived period column name.
- mutator_method_name
- Name of a mutator method that is to perform some update operation on column_name.
- See Updating Structured UDTs Using a Mutator SET Clause.