WRITE_NOS writes the database data to external storage according to the options passed to it, and returns information about the objects it wrote to external storage. The returned values are a table with the following columns:
- NodeId
- INTEGER value that identifies the Analytics Database node that contains the data written to the external object.
- AmpId
- INTEGER value that identifies the AMP that contains the data written to the external object.
- Sequence
- BIGINT value that uniquely identifies the external object to avoid name conflicts in cases where there might otherwise have been multiple objects with the same path and name.
- ObjectName
- VARCHAR(1024) UNICODE value that is the full object file name in the format:
- connector
- endpoint
- bucket_or_container
- prefix depends on the value of the NAMING option, discrete or range naming.
- object_file_name is in the format:
<Location Path>/[ <Discrete Naming or Range Naming>]/object_<Node_ID>_<AMP_ID>_<Sequence>.parquet
For example:/S3/ceph-s3.mycompany.com/test-bucket/2020-06-01/object_33_0_1.parquet
- ObjectSize
- BIGINT value that is the external object size in bytes.
- RecordCount
- BIGINT value that indicates the number of Analytics Database records in the external object.