Example: Querying for the First Tuesday after a Specified Date
The following query:
returns the result 2009/12/22 since 12/22 is the next Tuesday after Sunday, Dec 20, 2009.
Example: Querying for the First Friday after a Specified Date
The following query:
returns the result 2009/12/25 since 12/25 is the next Friday after Sunday, Dec 20, 2009.
Example: Querying for the First Friday after a Different Specified Date
The following query:
returns the result 2010/01/01 since Jan 1, 2010 is the next Friday after Friday, Dec 25, 2009.
Example: Non-English day_values
NEXT_DAY (date_timestamp_value, day_value) works with the Specification for Data Formatting. This is an example of the Japanese tdlocaledef.txt and how NEXT_DAY works with those definitions.
// DBS System Formatting Data // Day and month names ShortDays { "\u65e5"; "\u6708"; "\u706b"; "\u6c34"; "\u6728"; "\u91d1"; "\u571f" } LongDays { "\u65e5\u66dc\u65e5"; "\u6708\u66dc\u65e5"; "\u706b\u66dc\u65e5"; /*火曜日*/ "\u6c34\u66dc\u65e5"; "\u6728\u66dc\u65e5"; "\u91d1\u66dc\u65e5"; "\u571f\u66dc\u65e5" } ShortMonths { "1\u6708"; "2\u6708"; "3\u6708"; "4\u6708"; "5\u6708"; "6\u6708"; "7\u6708"; "8\u6708"; "9\u6708"; "10\u6708"; "11\u6708"; "12\u6708" }
The following SQL fails with an error:
select next_day(to_date('2015/06/22','YYYY/MM/DD'),'Tue') AS "日付";
Instead, use the Japanese day_value defined in the tdlocaledef.txt as follows:
select next_day(to_date('2015/06/22','YYYY/MM/DD'),'火曜日') AS "日付" ;
日付 --------- 2015/06/23
"\u706b\u66dc\u65e5"; indicates "Tuesday" in Japanese as shown.
Sel _UNICODE U&'#706b#66dc#65e5' UESCAPE '#';
' 火曜日' ----------------- 火曜日