To remove an archive file (specifically, a JAR or ZIP file) that was previously registered using the SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR external stored procedure, use the SQLJ.REMOVE_JAR external stored procedure. If successful, REMOVE_JAR removes a JAR or ZIP file installation and its classes from the database.
Before You Begin
Take the following steps before you remove a previously registered archive file for an external routine:
- Verify you have the EXECUTE privilege on the SQLJ.REMOVE_JAR external stored procedure.
- If the default database is not the same as the default database with which the archive file was registered, use the DATABASE statement to change the default database.
- Verify you have the DROP PROCEDURE or DROP FUNCTION privilege on any of the following objects:
- The default database
- The object you are removing from the default database, identified by the SQL identifier that was passed to SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR