Allows table operators to retrieve information about the current session, such as system variables and session attributes.
FNC_DBSSessionAttrInfo (char *jsonData);
Syntax Elements
- jsonData
- Session information returned by the function as a string in JSON format.
Usage Notes
- Current user name
- Current role name
- Transaction mode
- Collation
For current role name, a maximum of 127 role names are returned. If a user is granted more than 127 roles and the user issues a SET ROLE ALL statement to enable all of the roles, "ALL" is returned for the current role name. For example, the following sample output shows the session information returned for TESTUSER who has more than 127 roles enabled:
For users who specify SET ROLE ALL but have 127 roles or less, "ALL" is returned along with each of the role names. For example, TESTUSER2 has 3 roles: Role1, Role2, and Role3.
The following code fragment calls FNC_DBSSessionAttrInfo to get the current session information string.
... char jsonData [4096] = {'\0'}; FNC_DBSSessionAttrInfo(jsonData);
The following sample output shows the current user name, current role name, transaction mode, and collation.