The CREATE PROCEDURE statement provides clauses that identify the C/C++ function name that appears immediately before the left parenthesis in the C/C++ function declaration or the function entry name when the C/C++ object is provided instead of the C/C++ source.
IF CREATE PROCEDURE specifies … | THEN … |
EXTERNAL | The C/C++ function name must match the name that follows the CREATE PROCEDURE keywords. Consider the following CREATE PROCEDURE statement: CREATE PROCEDURE GetRegionXSP (INOUT region VARCHAR(64)) LANGUAGE C NO SQL EXTERNAL PARAMETER STYLE TD_GENERAL; The C function name must be GetRegionXSP. If the client is mainframe-attached, then the C/C++ function name must be the DDNAME for the source. |
EXTERNAL NAME function_name | the C/C++ function name must match function_name. Consider the following CREATE PROCEDURE statement: CREATE PROCEDURE GetRegionXSP (INOUT region VARCHAR(64)) LANGUAGE C NO SQL EXTERNAL NAME xsp_getregion PARAMETER STYLE TD_GENERAL; The C function name must be xsp_getregion. If the client is mainframe-attached, then function_namemust be the DDNAME for the source. |
EXTERNAL NAME 'string' | 'string' can include the F option to specify the C/C++ function name. Consider the following CREATE PROCEDURE statement: CREATE PROCEDURE GetRegionXSP (INOUT region VARCHAR(64)) LANGUAGE C NO SQL EXTERNAL NAME 'CS!getregion!xspsrc/getregion.c!F!xsp_getregion' PARAMETER STYLE TD_GENERAL; The C function name must be xsp_getregion. If 'string' does not include the F option, then the C/C++ function name must match the name that follows the CREATE PROCEDURE keywords. |