DBCExtension.GLOP_Report Stored Procedure | Teradata Vantage - DBCExtension.GLOP_Report Stored Procedure - Analytics Database - Teradata Vantage

SQL External Routine Programming

Analytics Database
Teradata Vantage
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Use the GLOP_Report procedure to output specific information about a particular GLOP set or all GLOP sets. It does not display the GLOP data. It provides a complete report consisting of as many result sets as needed depending on what is requested.

Required Privileges

An administrator who is reporting on any desired GLOP must have the SELECT privilege on the DBCExtension.GLOP_Set, DBCExtension.GLOP_Map, and DBCExtension.GLOP_Data tables.

To report on your own set when you do not have the SELECT privilege on the DBCExtension.GLOP_Set, DBCExtension.GLOP_Map, and DBCExtension.GLOP_Data tables, you must be the owner or creator of the GLOP or have the GLOP MEMBER privilege on the GLOP.


   (IN Options CHAR(1),
    IN FindName VARCHAR(257))

Syntax Elements

What to report. Valid values are as follows. Any other value generates an error.
  • 'A', which specifies to report on all sets.

    The user must have sufficient privileges to report on all GLOP sets; if not, it reports on the sets that belong to the user running the report.

  • 'D', which specifies to report on a specific named data GLOP.
  • 'S', which specifies to report on a specific set.
the name of the object to report information on for the given options.

For option 'A' this argument is a database name or a database name followed by the set name using dot notation (dbname.setname). A NULL in this field will report on all sets provided user has sufficient privileges.

For option 'S' this argument is the set name when the database is not specified or database name and set name using dot notation.

For option 'D' this argument is the data name when the database is not specified or the database name and data name using dot notation (dbname.dataname).

Usage Notes

Use this procedure to provide detailed information of specific GLOP sets or all of them.

The following information is reported:
  • A result set listing all the set numbers with their associated name in set name ascending order
    • GLOP_Set_ID
    • GLOP_SetName (ascending order)
  • A result set showing the details for each set
    • GLOP_Set_ID ( first sort field in ascending order)
    • GLOP_Type (second sort field in ascending order )
    • GLOP_Dependency
    • GLOP_Association (third sort field in ascending order)

      Role, User, or External Routine ID

    • GLOP_Mode
    • GLOP_Disable
    • GLOP_Ageing
    • GLOP_Length
    • GLOP_Pages
    • GLOP_Data_Ref (fourth sort field in ascending order)
    • GLOP_Page number (fifth sort field in ascending order)
  • A result set showing the data reference ID and the corresponding name, sorted in data reference id order
    • GLOP_Data_Ref (ascending order)
    • GLOP_Data_Name
  • A result set showing the mapping information for the Set
    • GLOP_Set_ID (first sort field in ascending order)
    • Index of the entry (second sort field in ascending order)
    • The GLOP_Type
    • GLOP_Dependency
    • The GLOP_MapX shared or not shared flag
    • The GLOP_ModeX mode of the GLOP
    • Initial page mapped: GLOP_PageX
  • A result set showing the user association ID and the corresponding name for the user in association id ascending order
    • GLOP_Association
    • GLOP_AssociationName
  • A result set showing the role association ID and the corresponding name for the role in association id ascending order
    • GLOP_Association
    • GLOP_AssociationName
  • A result set showing the external routine association ID and the corresponding external routine name and database in association ID ascending order
    • GLOP_Association
    • GLOP_AssociationName

Example: DBCExtension.GLOP_Report Stored Procedure

Output a report for the 'sales_division' GLOP set by a specific user.

CALL DBCExtension.GLOP_Report('S', 'sales_division');