To find the internal hexadecimal representation of all table names, submit the following SELECT statement using CHAR2HEXINT.
SELECT CHAR2HEXINT(TRIM(t.tablename))(FORMAT 'X(30)') (TITLE 'Internal Hex Representation of TableName') ,t.tablename (TITLE 'TableName') FROM dbc.tables T WHERE t.tablekind = 'T' ORDER BY t.tablename;
Partial output from this SELECT statement is similar to the following report:
Internal Hex Representation of TableName TableName ---------------------------------------- ---------------- 416363657373526967687473 AccessRights 4163634C6F6752756C6554626C AccLogRuleTbl 4163634C6F6754626C AccLogTbl 4163636F756E7473 Accounts 4163637467 Acctg 416C6C All 436F70496E666F54626C CopInfoTbl