You can use external authentication controls to:
- Disable external authentication and allow only Teradata authentication
- Enable both external authentication and Teradata authentication
- Disable Teradata authentication and allow only external authentication
The controls are set so that external authentication of users is globally enabled by default in Vantage, however in addition to the control settings, you must also do the following to use external authentication:
- GRANT LOGON ... WITH NULL PASSWORD privileges to individual Vantage users who use external authentication
- Verify that the corresponding external authentication mechanism is enabled on each client (note, all mechanisms are enabled by default on the client, so this applies only if you change the default configuration on the client), each Vantage system accessed by the client, and on all Business Continuity Manager servers through which Vantage clients log on..
If you log on to Vantage through Business Continuity Manager, external controls and WITH NULL PASSWORD privileges must be same on all Vantage systems managed by Business Continuity Manager.