- A directory-based user logs on with a domain username, and is authenticated by Kerberos (KRB5 or SPNEGO mechanism). The user can then access any applications and data that support Kerberos authentication, including Teradata Vantage.
- The user connects to Vantage without resubmitting logon credentials, although the connection to Vantage must specify the Vantage system name (tdpid) and the security mechanism that corresponds to the authenticating agent if it is not set as the default. See Using Single Sign-on with Directory Authorization.
- The directory authorizes database privileges to the user based on:
- Mapping between the directory user and Vantage user, external role, and profile objects in the directory
- EXTUSER privileges, if mapped only to EXTUSER
Users that use this logon method must be defined to Kerberos, and must have an entry in the directory that TDGSS can find using an <Identity Map> or <Identity Search>.