Syntax Element | Description |
.logmech ldap | Specifies the authentication mechanism. Required unless LDAP is set as the default mechanism. LDAP is the only mechanism that supports directory authentication. |
user_credentials | Specifies the directory username and password, using a format that is valid for the specifying statement. You can specify user credentials in either the .logdata or .logon statement, except when you specify an authorization qualifier, which requires you to use the .logdata statement.
Valid credential formats for the .logdata statement:
Valid credential formats for the .logon statement:
If the directory service is Active Directory, or when an identity map or identity search is configured, you can also specify:
Ensuring Correct Interpretation of UPNs For the logon diruser,dirpassword, if the user specification is “a@b” or a/b” or “a\b”, set LdapCredentialIsUPN to interpret the user specification. See LdapCredentialIsUPN.
authorization_qualifier | Specifies authorization parameters. Required when:
Directory user mapped to multiple database users: If the directory user is mapped to more than one database user, specify one of the users in the form user=database_username. Directory user mapped to multiple profiles:
Directory offers multiple realms: Specify the realm as it appears in the directory, normally the fully qualified DNS name of the directory, for example: realm=directory_FQDNSName The system processes realm information as follows:
tdpid | [Required] The tdpid identifies the Teradata Vantage system, or host group to which the logon, if successful, connects. |
, , | If the logon specifies an account, and the directory username and directory password appear in the .logdata statement, the , , must precede the account specification, with these exceptions:
"account" | [Optional] The account string must be enclosed in double quotation marks. For information on accounts, see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Administration, B093-1093. |