Users who need to log on to multiple databases, or host groups using a different password for each can store and retrieve the passwords by tdpid. For convenience, you can also store the username for each Tdpid.
In subsequent logons, the user enters the Tdpid and the required substitution syntax to call the username and password for that tdpid. For example:
- Log on to a Teradata Vantage client system and obtain a command prompt.
- Run the tdwallet tool on the client to store usernames and passwords for the TDSys1 and TDSys2 systems. The following example is for a Windows client:
- Enter the command to add the username and password for the first system, TDSys1:
C:\Documents and Settings\joe>tdwallet add username_for_TDSys1 add password_for_TDSys1
If a password or passphrase is not already established for accessing the user wallet, the Teradata Wallet software first prompts for the required access password or passphrase. At the prompt, enter the wallet access password or passphrase.NOTICE: No password has been established for this wallet. Enter desired wallet password: password (not displayed) Reenter desired wallet password: password (not displayed) Wallet password established. Remember your password.
- The system prompts for the values of username_for_TDSys1 and password_for_TDSys1. At the prompts, enter the username and password for the TDSys1 system, for example:
Enter desired value for the item named "username_for_TDSys1":
- Add the username and password for the second system, TDSys2:
C:\Documents and Settings\joe>tdwallet add username_for_TDSys2 add password_for_TDSys2
- At the prompts, enter the username and password for the TDSys2 system.
- Add the string that links stored usernames and passwords for the two systems to the authentication mechanism used to access the systems, for example:
C:\Documents and Settings\joe>tdwallet add com.teradata.TD2
Each set of usernames and passwords can be associated with only one authentication mechanism. - At the prompt, enter the substitution string syntax to link the tdpid specified in a logon string, for example TDSys1, to the password stored for that tdpid:
- Enter the command to add the username and password for the first system, TDSys1: