The LdapClientTlsCert property specifies the file that contains the TDGSS or OpenLdap client certificate that the directory server uses to authenticate the database.
Default Property Value
The default value of the LdapClientTlsCert property is “”, meaning that no cert file is specified.
Valid Settings
A valid file name.
Editing Guidelines
- To set a value, you must manually add this property to the TDGSS configuration file for the needed mechanisms. See Editing Configuration Files.
- You must edit this property if you configure TLS mutual authentication of the directory and Teradata Vantage.
- Configure this property for all mechanisms that have the Authorization Supported property set to yes.
- Edit this property on the database nodes.
- Specify the name of the certificate file that contains the TDGSS or OpenLdap client certificate that the directory server uses to authenticate the database.The Linux user under which Teradata Vantage runs must own and have read access to this file. For sites that configured this property before Release 14.0, the permission is granted automatically by a script upon upgrade to Release 14.0. For sites that configure this property on Release 14.0 or later, you must grant the permission manually.