Search Criteria | Description |
ldapsearch Input | |
-H ldap://server:port/ | Identifies the URI for the LDAP server. For details, see Running Ldapsearch. |
-U drct01 | Names the directory user authenticated in the search. |
-b "CN=Users, DC=esrootdom,DC=esdev,DC=tdat" | Identifies the search base. In the example, the users container appears in the default naming context. User drct01 and all Active Directory users are all children of this container. |
-s one | Requests a search of only children of the object named in the -b option. |
"(sAMAccountName=drct01)" | Specifies the search filter. Limits the search to the object where the sAMAccountName attribute contains drct01. |
ldapsearch Output | |
Password: | Prompts for the directory password of the user named in the -u option. |
dn: CN=John Doe CN=Users,DC=esrootdom,DC=esdev,DC=tdat | Specifies the distinguished name of the user drct01. This object is returned as a result of the search filter, not the bind of user drct01. |
objectClass: top | Lists these are common directory user entries, shown for reference, which may or may not appear in your directory. |
objectClass: person | |
objectClass: organizationalPerson | |
objectClass: user | |
cn: John Doe | |
sn: Doe | |
givenName: John | |
distinguishedName: CN=John Doe,CN=Users, DC=esrootdom, DC=esdev,DC=tdat | |
instanceType: 4 | |
whenCreated: 20040605220928.0Z | |
whenChanged: 20040728221734.0Z | |
displayName: Directory User1 | |
uSNCreated: 50268 | |
memberOf: CN=xu1,OU=groups,OU=testing, DC=esrootdom, DC=esdev, DC=tdat | Lists the groups in which the user has membership. The data contained in this attribute can help you to search the group for roles assigned to the user, that is, any role that appears in a tdatRoleMemberOf attribute in the group object identified by the data in this attribute. The tdatRoleMemberOf attribute in the group object is specific to Active Directory. |
uSNChanged: 315083 | Lists these are common directory entries, shown for reference, that may or may not appear in your directory. |
name: Directory User 1 | |
objectGUID: £?=å=çAƦ¶S++§ | |
userAccountControl: 512 | |
badPwdCount: 0 | |
codePage: 0 | |
countryCode: 0 | |
badPasswordTime: 127337313454062500 | |
lastLogoff: 0 | |
lastLogon: 127355266545781250 | |
pwdLastSet: 127309469682812500 | |
primaryGroupID: 513 | |
objectSid:? | |
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807 | |
logonCount: 140 | |
sAMAccountName: drct01 | |
sAMAccountType: 805306368 | |
userPrincipalName: drct01@esrootdom.esdev.tdat | |
objectCategory: CN=Person, CN=Schema,CN=Configuration, DC=esrootdom,DC=esdev, DC=tdat | |
lastLogonTimestamp: 127355266545781250 | |
tdatProfileMemberOf: CN=profxu1, CN=profiles, CN=end2end, CN=tdat, OU=testing, DC=esrootdom, DC=esdev,DC=tdat | Locates directly the Teradata profile objects that describe the mapped user profiles. This attribute only appears in Active Directory. If a directory user is mapped to a Vantage user, a row containing tdatUserMemberOf attribute is always present. This attribute identifies the tdatUser object that defines the Vantage user to which the directory user is mapped. |