If the period of applicability of the sequenced delete in the last example had been (PERIOD '(2005-05-01, 2005-06-01)'), such that it was smaller than, and fully contained within, the period of validity of policy 497201, the policy row would be split into two rows, preserving the validity for periods that were not deleted:
SEQUENCED VALIDTIME PERIOD '(2005-05-01, 2005-06-01)' DELETE FROM Policy; NONSEQUENCED VALIDTIME SELECT Policy_ID, Customer_ID, Validity FROM Policy WHERE Policy_Type = 'AU';
Policy_ID Customer_ID Validity --------- ----------- ------------------------ 497201 304779902 ('05/02/14', '05/05/01') 497201 304779902 ('05/06/01', '06/02/13') 541145 616035020 ('09/12/03', '10/12/01') 541077 766492008 ('09/12/21', '99/12/31') 541008 246824626 ('09/10/01', '99/12/31')