- Specifies that only rows that are currently valid participate in the evaluation of the abort condition.
- VALIDTIME AS OF date_timestamp_expression
- Specifies a given time that must overlap the valid time of a row for that row to participate in the evaluation of the abort condition.
- Specifies a period of applicability that must overlap the period of validity of a row for that row to participate in the evaluation of the abort condition.
- period_expression
Specifies the period of applicability for the DML statement.
The period of applicability must be a period constant expression that does not reference any columns, but can reference parameterized values and the TEMPORAL_DATE or TEMPORAL_TIMESTAMP built-in functions.
The period of applicability can also be a self-contained noncorrelated scalar subquery that is always nonsequenced in the time dimensions regardless of the temporal qualifier for the DML statement.
If a period_expression is specified, the valid-time column cannot be specified or referenced anywhere in the query. If the valid-time column is a derived period column, the component columns cannot be specified or referenced anywhere in the query.If period_expression is omitted, the period of applicability defaults to PERIOD'(0001-01-01, UNTIL_CHANGED)' for a PERIOD(DATE) valid-time column or PERIOD '(0001-01-01 00:00:00.000000+00:00, UNTIL_CHANGED)' for a PERIOD(TIMESTAMP( n ) WITH TIME ZONE) valid-time column, where precision n and WITH TIME ZONE are optional.
- Specifies that rows that participate in the evaluation of the abort condition are not further evaluated for qualification in the valid-time dimension.
- Specifies a keyword for specifying both a valid-time qualifier and a transaction-time qualifier.
- Specifies that only rows that are open participate in the evaluation of the abort condition.
- TRANSACTIONTIME AS OF date_timestamp_expression
- Specifies a given time that must overlap the transaction time of a row for that row to participate in the evaluation of the abort condition.
- Specifies that rows that participate in the evaluation of the abort condition are not further evaluated for qualification in the transaction-time dimension.
- AS OF date_timestamp_expression
- Specifies that only rows that overlap date_timestamp_expression in the valid-time and transaction-time dimension participate in the evaluation of the abort condition.
- 'message'
- Specifies the text of the message to be returned when the transaction is terminated.
- FROM option
- Specifies the temporal tables that are further qualified in the WHERE clause.
- WHERE abort_condition
- Specifies an expression where the result must evaluate to TRUE for Vantage to roll back the transaction.