SEQUENCED VALIDTIME PERIOD '(2009-01-01, 2009-12-31)' SELECT * FROM Policy;
Policy_ID Customer_ID Policy_Type Policy_Details VALIDTIME --------- ----------- ----------- ------------------- ------------------------ 541077 766492008 AU STD-CH-344-YXY-00 ('09/12/21', '09/12/31') 541008 246824626 AU STD-CH-345-NXY-00 ('09/10/01', '09/12/31') 541145 616035020 AU STD-CH-348-YXN-01 ('09/12/03', '09/12/31')
Although VALIDTIME is the valid-time column of the result set, Validity is the valid-time column of the originally queried Policy table. To show the Validity column in the results requires a subquery, because the valid-time column name cannot appear anywhere in a query that includes a PA. Use a sequenced validtime subquery that does not specify a PA. Because the Validity column is not the valid-time column of the derived table, it can be retrieved using a sequenced outer query that includes a PA: